Lecture 24 - JUSTGen: Effective Test Generation for Unspecified JNI Behaviors on JVMs
Lecture 25 - GenProg: A Generic Method for Automatic Software Repair
Hot Takes
- Not clear from the paper why this is the right approach to generate patches
- “It’s a large search space”
- By the construction of the search space, need to use a meta heuristic technique like GP - but still may have some important design decisions that are not evaluated
- Would this approach do WORSE on smaller programs, where it’s less likely that you can “find” the fix in the code?
- What about a baseline comparison to static bounds check analysis?
Construction of the problem space
- Q: what is the problem that GenProg aims to address?
- “How to automatically* fix+ bugs#”
- What is automated about the problem?
- Developer need not create the patch, and need not minimize those patches
- Developer must provide an oracle, in the form of test cases. Functionality that doesn’t have a test case is likely to be removed. (“Beyonce Rule”)
- What kinds of fixes do they consider valid?
- Fix is defined as something that passes all of the test cases
- Do not consider fixes that require creating entirely new code - only consider fixes that remove statements or copy statements. Do not consider changes to expressions. Do not consider creating new code.
- Fix must be in code that is executed by the failing test case
- What kinds of bugs do they target?
- Evaluation targets “eight types” of bugs: infinite loop, seg fault, remote heap buffer overflow, DoS, stack overflow, integer overflow, format string vulnerabilities
- “Generic” approach though
- Bug might need to be localizable to a single location, be a deterministic failure
Why is this hard to do?
- “It’s a large search space”
Q: What was fault localization at the time?
- Seminal work: Jim Jones “Tarantula” - “spectrum-based fault localization” (SBFL)
- SBFL tries to solve this problem: “Given a set of passing tests, and a set of failing tests (which reveal a bug), can we automatically determine which line of code has the bug on it?”
- Approach: Find all of the statements covered by failings tests, find all of the statements covered by non-failing tests; highlight statements to indicate which are covered more by failing or more by passing test cases
- Intuition: If there are statements that are executed only by failing test, maybe likely that the bug is there
Q: what is the solution to “the search space is really big”?
- Operate at the statement level instead of expression level
- Transplant code rather than generate code
- Localizes the likely fix location to be within code that is executed more by the failing test case
Q: What do we think about these heuristics?
- “Statement level” - is this necessary to avoid exploring unimportant changes, or: does this serve more to simplify implementation?
- Given AST representation, why no AST-level mutations/crossover?
- Other approach - 2009: “ASSURE: Automatic Software Self-healing Using REscue points” - Find code that you think is likely to be handling similar errors elsewhere, transplant that code
- Heuristics are hard here because it is difficult to measure incremental progress towards a repair
- Fitness function in GenProg is a weighted sum of passing test cases and failing test cases
Representation of program as AST + Weighted Path
- Weighted path is a sequence of (Statement, weight)
- Each statement in program appears exactly once, even if occurs many times on path
- Order of statements in weighted path is order that they were first encountered when executing the original program
- Q: Why does the order matter?
- For crossover? But need to re-generate weights anyway for each variant
Selection & Genetic operators
- “Program variant” - individuals in this population
- Delete statements, add statement from elsewhere in program
- Crossover: Every surviving variant in population undergoes crossover (?)
- Take population, pick half of it, do cross-over with that half and the other half (?)
- Selection: stochastic universal sampling is parameterized, compare to EvoSuite’ selection strategy. On larger test suites (more test cases) a different selection strategy might do better to discriminate between variants that are better - look back to EvoSuite’s approach
Fitness function
- Some of the tests might be harder to pass than others, so weighting all of the tests equally may not do a great job of representing the fitness of a patch. “Fitness sharing” is a common GP approach to identify and boost fitness for cases like that
- As-is, the fitness function might be most useful for preventing “nearly right” variants from becoming “very wrong” than for helping the “nearly right” get all of the way
Repair minimization
- As we talked about with EvoSuite, bloat becomes a problem
- “Delta debugging as an evolutionary algorithm”
- Delta debugging guarantees one-minimal patch, but might still have lots of redundancies - the EA approach could do better (or, could not)
Repair Descriptions
Are these “diverse” bugs?
- Most overflow and overflow related bugs boil down to a missing bounds check
Where did this set of bugs come from? Is this a fair evaluation set?
- Nice to see selection of some programs that are also used as fuzzer targets: since it would be nice to hook up a fuzzer to a repair tool
- Toy examples?
- Problematic to create the tests yourself?
- Perhaps more problematic: such small test suites? What is the manual effort in selecting down this test suite compared to adding a bounds check by hand?
- Why only use the subset of tests? What bad things could happen if we included more passing tests?
- If you knew in advance where the fault was localized, you could take advantage of that (but presumably trust that this didn’t happen)
- 5.3 includes a discussion about the impact of test suite size
- Some details about how the test suite was selected to enable replication/reproduction would be cool
- Why only use the subset of tests? What bad things could happen if we included more passing tests?
- Perhaps more problematic: such small test suites? What is the manual effort in selecting down this test suite compared to adding a bounds check by hand?
- Able to repair all faults (all were pre-known bugs)
- Would it be nice to compare the auto-generated patches to the developer-created patches?
- Interesting experimental design: Take Defects4J, use GenProg to create a patch, then compare