Lesson 6 - Deep differential Testing of JVM Implementations
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Reminder: Differential testing does not guarantee to find all bugs - need to have at least one system provide the correct answer (or both systems provide different buggy answers) Discussion: What makes this “deep”? Keep in mind: “Deep” is relative
What is the motivation for this paper?
Want some deeper testing of the JVM - more than syntactic checking? Lots of fuzzing gets stopped at testing the entry-level parts of the JVM - like the parsing of class files, rather than the execution, JIT’ing, or verifying
Q: What kinds of bugs can we find? Look for bugs that are triggered by Java programs with irregular control flow May or may not find security bugs - unclear if the IBM J9 CVE was discovered by this process
Why is this hard?
- Space of inputs that are syntactically valid is heavily constrained - quite likely to create invalid class files (can’t execute the code you want to test)
- Getting code coverage of the JVM itself is non-deterministic for the same input, because you might trigger garbage collection or JIT’ing
- Q: Are both challenges on the same scale? Consider…
- Option 1 - Maybe we want to try to collect coverage of those non-deterministic elements, can maybe try to build something that tracks that
- Option 2 - java -help -> -Xint (turn on interpreted mode, no JIT’ing)
- Option 3 - Run multiple trials, figure out which part of the code is the non-deterministic part
- Q: Are both challenges on the same scale? Consider…
Existing approach, ClassFuzz tends to create lots of bytecode files that are invalid
Example java bytecode:
static int difference(int a1, int a2){
return 5 + (a1 > a2 ? A1 - a2 : a2 - a1);
Static void main(String[] args){
System.out.println(difference(10, -5));
static int difference(int a1, int a2)
ILOAD 0 //a1
ILOAD 1 //a2
ILOAD 1 //a2
ILOAD 0 //a1
L2: //FRAME Stack [I], Local: [I, I]
ILOAD 0 //a1
ILOAD 1 //a2
L3: //FRAME Stack [I,I], Locals: [I, I]
How do we accidentally create an invalid bytecode file?
- Break these frames - push too much or too little onto stack
- Insert instructions that are incompatible with the current stack, or make it become invalid
- More broadly: break typechecking (to the extent that we want to test execution or JIT’ing of code)
Purely random mutation (coverage guided?) approach still found bugs though! public abstract {};
example was found by classfuzz
How do we determine that we found a bug?
Differential testing, followed by manual verification:
- Check specification
- Check with developers
What is the proposed solution?
“LBC” - Live ByteCode mutation. Analyze the bytecode that was actually run, and then mutate that code based on what you saw going on. Q: what’s a better term for this? A: Covered bytecode mutation?
“Live mutants” and “live methods” - mutants and methods that were covered by the workload
What are the mutations that they apply*
- Add some instructions to the code. Limited set of instructions - only control flow instructions (GOTO, TABLESWITCH, LOOKUPSWITCH, RETURN, THROW)
- Note: no “if” statements are added
- “HI”s “Hooking Instructions”
- Determine where to add the mutation
- Rank each of the methods by their “potential” ratio of instructions/times selected already.
- “Some methods need to be more frequently mutated than others because they are more complex”
- Why???? - How is this justified? Is this just “put mutants everywhere?”
- Would using code coverage instead help to guide where to put mutations?
- Insert the “hook” (mutant, aka one of those five instructions)
- Not purely random decision of where to put that instruction
- Perform a dataflow analysis of each method, find the def/use pairs, target that
- Not purely random decision of where to put that instruction
- Find a “target point” too
Implementation discussion:
- How to choose the location to insert the mutant?
- How to choose the target location for the mutant?
- Sort methods vs priority queue?
- If you just randomly insert GOTOs, won’t you break the type checker? Need a stack map frame!?!
How do they select an input to mutate?
“Seed coverage” - Metric that measure the number of instructions in the initial seed that are then covered by the mutants Examples:
- Initial method: 100 instructions
- Mutant: 101 instructions; only covers first 50 -> seed coverage of 50%
- Mutant: 101 instructions, covers all 100 -> seed coverage of 100%
Q: Why does “seed coverage” make any sense - what is it measuring? Guess: An input that has a typecheck error at the very start of the method will have lower seed coverage than one that has it at the end
Weird side effect: Jump targets are always BEFORE the inserted jump (mutation) - so probably better to insert the mutations at the end
Q: Why Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampling, and what does this result in? A: ?
Q: How does this solve the problem of invalid class files?
- Still make tons of invalid class files. Maybe do a little better because of limited set of instructions we insert (might be easier to be valid???)
- Seed coverage might mean that there is more code in a method before hitting the invalid part
Q: How does this solve the problem of not being able to collect coverage of JVM
- Sidesteps entirely, not bother collecting coverage or trying to use it
How is this evaluated?
3 baseline systems:
- Classfuzz’ - classfuzz, but with some difference that was not explained
- CLRandom - which randomly changes control and data flow
- CLGreedy - greedy search instead of Monte Carlo
Q: What does the evaluation actually run? Does it run programs, or just try to load their class files?
Q: How did they determine the number of iterations to run?
RQ1 - Invalid input rate Note greedy selection has more valid inputs than Monte Carlo
Q: Since Classming found more bugs than CLGreedy, but CLGreedy had a higher valid input rate, what happened?
- A - Maybe greedy is finding slower inputs?
- A - Maybe greedy is overturned to a bad criteria
- A - Maybe classming got lucky? Ran 5 times, then took the suite with the highest number of distinctions. No reporting of variation.
Constrained mutant execution to 20 seconds - what happened in those 20 seconds?
Table 2 - difficult to read the sums? (The “Total” row adds all kinds of issues reported, and the parentheses count all crashes and verification diffs)
Q: How much closer does this really get us to finding those “deep” semantic bugs?
- Not that much closer. What could we do instead?
- Have more seeds, with more variety Q: If low invalid input rate is overall goal, could we do even better? A: You could certainly define better mutators that are less likely to break the type checker - Insert multiple instructions as necessary, and use some randomness to still make invalid things A: Definitely could do better with a wider variety of input files, too
How do we feel about the overall contribution?
- Still finds lots of bugs, that might potentially have a large impact, and did create a new tool/approach to find them
- What about more discussion of the differential element?
- Nice paper to follow up with: JUSTGen: Effective Test Generation for Unspecified JNI Behaviors on JVMs