Last updated: Nov 19, 24 23:52 UTC | Permalink

REST Transcript Activity

In this activity, you will use TSOA to build a REST client for our transcript database.

Requirement: node -version = 20

As usual, download the starter code and run npm install.

Then, run npm start to generate the OpenAPI specification, server boilerplate, and start the development server. This command will automatically reload the server as you change files in this project. To stop the server, press control-C in the terminal.

Once you see the message “Listening on 8081”, you can access this URL in your browser: http://localhost:8081/docs/#/transcript

You should now see a “Swagger” transcript-server-openapi documentation page, with a few API endpoints defined. Expand the “GET /transcripts” endpoint, click “Try it out”, and then “Execute”. Now, the field “Response Body” should have text in it like:

    "student": {
      "studentID": 1,
      "studentName": "avery"
    "grades": [
        "course": "DemoClass",
        "grade": 100
        "course": "DemoClass2",
        "grade": 100

This demonstrates that this endpoint of your REST API is functional. In the rest of the activity, you will implement the remainder of the routes. Details are in the README page of the starter code. Be sure to review Canvas assignment for more details (if assigned)

© 2024 Adeel Bhutta and Mitch Wand. Released under the CC BY-SA license