Last updated: Jan 30, 25 16:02 UTC | Permalink

Activity 1: User Stories and Conditions of Satisfaction


This activity will give you practice with using user stories to solicit and document user requirements, refining them into conditions of satisfaction, and assigning priorities.

Before you start, be sure to review the tutorial “User Stories and Conditions of Satisfaction” on the course website.


Consider a Learning Management System (like Canvas). Choose one of the following areas:

  1. Sections and Enrollment
  2. Assignment Submission and Grading
  3. Gradebooks

Requirements for this activity

  1. Identify at least 3 different roles representing different classes of users for that area.

  2. Choose one of those roles and write down at least 3 different user stories for that participant. These should be of the form

    As a <role> I want <some capability> so that I can <get some benefit>

  3. For each user story, write 3 conditions of satisfaction with appropriate priorities. (Essential = user story is not satisfied without it)

Please submit a total of:

  • 1 area
  • 3 roles
  • 3 user stories
  • 9 conditions of satisfaction with priorities

When you are done, submit your work as required by your instructor (check the Canvas asssignment for details, if assigned). This may vary from section to section.

© 2024-25 Adeel Bhutta and Mitch Wand. Released under the CC BY-SA license