Last updated: Jan 30, 25 16:02 UTC | Permalink

A mini-tutorial on MongoDB and Mongoose

This tutorial provides basic introduction to MondoDB and Mongoose:


MongoDB Concepts

  • An installation consists of a set of named databases.
  • A database consists of a set of named collections.
  • A collection consists of a set of documents.
  • A document is a set of (property,value) pairs.
  • A schema is a set of (property,type) pairs. All of the documents in a single collection should satisfy the same schema.

Mongoose representation of MongoDB Concepts

Databases, Collections, and Documents

Mongoose provides representations of MongoDB concepts in the TypeScript/JavaScript language.

  • In any given program mongoose refers to a particular database in a particular MongoDB instance. For example, executing

    await mongoose.connect("mongodb://");

    connects Mongoose to the pets database in the local MongoDB instance.

  • A MongoDB schema is represented in Mongoose by an object of class mongoose.Schema. For example:

    const kittySchema = new mongoose.Schema({
      name: String,
      color: String,

    creates kittySchema to represent a MongoDB schema with two properties: name and color, both of type String.

    References to other documents are represented by properties with type Types.ObjectID (more on this later).

    In this document, we will use the terms ‘property’ and ‘field’ interchangeably.

  • A MongoDB collection of documents is represented in Mongoose by a TypeScript constructor created by mongoose.model. For example

    const Kitten = mongoose.model("Kitten", kittySchema);

    associates the Kitten variable with a collection named Kitten. Notice that Kitten is a constructor (like a class name), so we write it in upper case. All documents in this collection must follow the schema defined by kittySchema.

  • A document with schema M is represented by a TypeScript object created by saying new C, where C is constructor created by mongoose.model. For example

    const fluffy = new Kitten({ name: "fluffy", color: "black" });

    creates a document intended for insertion in the collection named Kitten.

  • In Mongoose, creation of a document is separate from being inserted in a collection. So, to actually insert fluffy in the Kitten collection, we need to execute


Note that most of the operations that touch the database are asyncs.

ObjectIDs and References

In MongoDB, every document has a unique identifier stored in its _id field. This _id field is automatically generated if not explicitly provided when a document is created.

By default, it is an ObjectId, a 12-byte value consisting of a 4-byte timestamp (indicating creation time), a 5-byte random value (unique to the server), and a 3-byte incrementing counter (ensuring uniqueness within the same timestamp). This structure ensures global uniqueness and supports efficient queries and indexing.

As mentioned above, references to documents are represented by properties with type Types.ObjectID, which is the type of the _id field.


In Mongoose, a query is a recipe for retrieving documents from a collection. There are lots of ways to do this. Here are some examples:

  • Find all documents in a collection:

  • Find one document with specific criteria:

    Dog.findOne({ name: "Buddy" });
  • Find multiple documents with specific criteria:

    Dog.find({ breed: "Labrador" });

Note: These methods are asynchronous, so you need to use await.

Query Syntax

Mongoose offers many methods for querying, including JSON-style queries and the query builder syntax. Here’s an example that demonstrates both:

  • Using a JSON-object query:

      occupation: /host/, // this is a regular expression that matches any words with 'host' within them, e.g. 'ghost', 'hostess'
      "name.last": "Ghost",
      age: { $gt: 17, $lt: 66 },
      likes: { $in: ["vaporizing", "talking"] },
      .sort({ occupation: -1 })
      .select({ name: 1, occupation: 1 })
  • Using the query builder:

    Person.find({ occupation: /host/ })
      .in(["vaporizing", "talking"])
      .select("name occupation")

For small projects like the one in the course, it is probably preferable to use the simplest Mongoose queries you can, and then process the list of documents that the query returns.

There are some circumstances where it is helpful to the query do more work. Consider the following example from the codebase:

const q = await QuestionModel.findOneAndUpdate(
  { _id: qid },
  { $addToSet: { views: username } },
  { new: true }

Here’s what happens step by step:

  1. Find the document with the matching _id.
  2. Update the views field to add a username if it doesn’t already exist (using $addToSet).
  3. Return the updated document instead of the original with the { new: true } option.

Using findOneAndUpdate offers several advantages over manually retrieving, modifying, and saving documents:

  • Atomicity: The operation is performed atomically, ensuring data consistency. This avoids race conditions that could occur if multiple processes attempt to update the same document simultaneously.

  • Efficiency: It combines the find and update steps into a single database operation, reducing the number of queries sent to MongoDB.

  • Clean Code: It eliminates the need for intermediate checks and manual updates, resulting in more concise and readable code.

If we were to write code to process everything ourselves, it might look like this:

const question = await QuestionModel.findOne({ _id: qid });

// Check if the username is already in the views array
if (!question.views.includes(username)) {

// Save the updated question document
const updatedQuestion = await;

While this approach works, it requires:

  • Two separate database operations: findOne and save.
  • Additional checks for modifications (like views.includes).
  • Increased risk of conflicts in concurrent environments.

By using findOneAndUpdate, you streamline the operation, make it more robust, and let MongoDB handle the heavy lifting.


As mentioned before, documents can reference other documents in MongoDB through the ObjectID fields. In the database, this information is stored as the ID itself, rather than the object. This is super useful for storage purposes, but when we want to access and use the information, we need more than just the ID. That’s where the populate function comes in, allowing you to replace these simple references with the actual documents, simplifying the retrieval of data. populate will query the reference IDs in each document found to be returned, and replace the ID with the actual object value from the database.

How Populate Works

Imagine we have two collections: Users and Posts. Each Post references a User in the author field by the ObjectID. The schemas and models would be defined as:

const postSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
  title: String,
  content: String,
  // author: User is invalid, because "User" is not a legal type for a schema definition
  author: { type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: "User" },

const userSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
  name: String,
  email: String,

const User = mongoose.model("User", userSchema);
const Post = mongoose.model("Post", postSchema);

When querying for a post, we would normally just receive the ObjectID in the author field, such as:

    _id: "6754b691a33023f3e1fe9604",
    title: "Intro to MongoDB",
    content: "MongoDB is a database with a lot of features!",
    author: "6754b691a33023f3e1ff9008"

To retrieve the actual user document, use populate:

const posts = await Post.find({ _id: "6754b691a33023f3e1fe9604" }).populate("author");

which replaces the ObjectID in the author field with the referenced User document:

  _id: "6754b691a33023f3e1fe9604",
  title: "Intro to MongoDB",
  content: "MongoDB is a database with a lot of features!",
  author: {
    _id: "6754b691a33023f3e1ff9008",
    name: "John Doe",
    email: ""

It’s important to note that populate with only populate the reference IDs that you specifically mention in the function call. This is especially important to keep in mind for documents with nested fields containing ObjectID references.

For example, let’s extend the User schema to contain a profile field:

const profileSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
  bio: String,
  following: [{ type: String }],

const userSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
  name: String,
  email: String,
  profile: { type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: "Profile" },

const Profile = mongoose.model("Profile", profileSchema);
const User = mongoose.model("User", userSchema);

Now, if we were to execute the previous populate query, the returned object would look like:

  _id: "6754b691a33023f3e1fe9604",
  title: "Intro to MongoDB",
  content: "MongoDB is a database with a lot of features!",
  author: {
    _id: "6754b691a33023f3e1ff9008",
    name: "John Doe",
    email: "",
    profile: "6754b692a33023f4e5be2413"

To access the object stored with the reference ID, we need to specify populating the field in the query:

const posts = await Post.find({ _id: "6754b691a33023f3e1fe9604" }).populate({
  path: "author",
  populate: {
    path: "profile",
    model: Profile,

which would return the completely populated document:

  _id: "6754b691a33023f3e1fe9604",
  title: "Intro to MongoDB",
  content: "MongoDB is a database with a lot of features!",
  author: {
    _id: "6754b691a33023f3e1ff9008",
    name: "John Doe",
    email: "",
    profile: {
        _id: "6754b692a33023f4e5be2413",
        bio: "My name is John",
        following: ["CS4530"]

Some additional, advanced examples:

  • Select specific fields in the populated document:

    const posts = await Post.find({ _id: "6754b691a33023f3e1fe9604" }).populate("author", "name");


        _id: "6754b691a33023f3e1fe9604",
        title: "Intro to MongoDB",
        content: "MongoDB is a database with a lot of features!",
        author: {
          _id: "6754b691a33023f3e1ff9008",
          name: "John Doe",
  • Filter the populated documents:

    const posts = await Post.find().populate({
      path: "author",
      match: { email: /example\.edu$/ },
      select: "name email",
      _id: "6754b691a33023f3e1fe9604",
      title: "Intro to MongoDB",
      content: "MongoDB is a database with a lot of features!",
      author: {
          _id: "6754b691a33023f3e1ff9158",
          name: "Jane Doe",
          email: ""
      _id: "6754b691a33023f4b2da2528",
      title: "Understanding populate",
      content: "You can do a lot with populate!",
      author: {
          _id: "6754b691c63175b2d1fc6490",
          name: "Jack Doe",
          email: ""

Why Use Populate

By using populate, you minimize boilerplate code for nested retrieval and ensure data consistency. You only need to ensure the one copy is updated, which is referenced in other places. This approach is especially useful with complex relationships as it reduces errors, simplifies data retrieval, and improves consistency by automating the lookup of references.

However, if you find yourself using deeply nested populates, it’s worth revisitng the database design and trying to simplify the schemas. Under the hood, populate executes additional queries for you, which can become very inefficient as database complexity and query size increase. In this toy example, we may want to get rid of the Profile collection, and instead define the fields directly within the User schema. These design decisions depend on the context and needs of the system.


A simple example (i.e, example.ts) can be accessed here.


© 2024-25 Adeel Bhutta and Mitch Wand. Released under the CC BY-SA license