Last updated: Dec 13, 23 17:42 UTC | Permalink

Specifications for Fall 2023 Live Demos / Presentations (Sections 2, 4, & 7 - Prof. Bhutta)

Each group will present a live demo to show the feature that they have added to Covey.Town for the final project (the demo MUST be from hosted website, NOT from localhost). The schedule of these demos will be discussed/finalized during the lecture. You will have 9 minutes maximum (8 minutes to setup and present. 1 minute for questions and everything else). You will lose points if your demo goes over 8 minutes. Please rehearse it and time yourself (best to keep it to 7 minutes or less). Attendance is REQUIRED for these demos.

Your presentation needs to include the following:

  • description of feature(s) implemented (no more than 1 slide) - perhaps compare with what was proposed.
  • Tech stack and/or list of other/external components used (no more than 1 slide)
  • short summary of overall contribution by each member (no more than 1-2 sentences per member);
  • What percentage of overall contribution was made by each member (perhaps using weekly peer contribution scores)
  • estimated number of hours spent on the project by each member (for overall project);
  • what challenges were faced and how did you overcome them? Discuss any deviations from the proposed plan?

During your presentation, you might consider following this order: introduction of project idea/user stories follow by live demo, then talk about above items in an appropriate order.

You should include your email address and any other related info (i.e., github repo link, hosted site link, etc). You will also submit a copy of your presentation (pptx/pdf file, not link) on Canvas.

Grading Rubric:

Your final Poster and Demos are worth 4% of the overall course.

Poster will be worth 1% and will be graded based on whether you submitted it on time or not.

Demos will be worth 3% and will be graded using the following criteria: Each group will evaluate each others’ demos and will assign scores (Instructor and TAs will do the same). Your final demo score will be calculated by combining all of these scores (equally weighted). However, you will not receive points for the demo if your group fails to submit copy of the presentation on Canvas or if you are not present for all presentations/demos during class.

© 2023 Adeel Bhutta and Mitch Wand. Released under the CC BY-SA license