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Discussion: Continuous Integration

These notes roughly capture the (mostly unedited) comments from the class:

Summary of opinions and perceptions

Tradeoffs in CI: significance

  • Not very: 3
  • Unsure: 6
  • Very: 10 Are these tradeoffs that could already be known in the small? Tradeoffs in CI: Empirically sound Not very: 0
  • Unsure: 11
  • Very: 8 Taming Google CI: significance within google? Not very: 0
  • Unsure: 4
  • Very: 15 Taiming Google CI: significance outside of google? Not very:2
  • Unsure: 10
  • Very: 7

Tradeoffs in CI

  • Methodology
    • Interviews
      • 16 participants
      • Open-ended
      • Coded results
    • Survey
      • Broad population: distribute on twitter, Facebook, reddit
      • Focused population: Target developers at pivotal

Barriers & ideas

  • Troubleshooting CI build failures
    • Some may have nothing to do with CI itself
    • Something that makes debugging CI easier: being able to reproduce same environment, and/or connect to it
  • Overly long build times
    • Coffee break, lunch break, sleep break, weekend, winter break
    • Developer approach: ignore some unlikely to fail tests
    • “Regression test selection”: Compute for each test: which statements it covers
  • Automating the build process
  • Lack of support for desired workflow
    • What is organizational culture to build support for these kinds of workflows? Tied to awareness of what CI can perform
    • Today: GitHub actions workflow.yml, action.yml
  • Security and access control:
    • Access to “secrets” (aka API key)
      • Vulnerability: secret is publicly readable
      • Vulnerability/attack path: untrusted code could be merged in and have access to that secret


  • Easier configuration of CI servers or services
    • Bamboo :’(
    • There is usually a big range of skills needed between the technology that is being tested and the technology used for testing
  • Better tool integration
    • “There are probably CIs that already do that, but ours doesn’t”
  • Better container/virtualization support
  • Debugging assistance
  • UI for modifying CI configs
  • Better notifications
    • “I get 10 emails and I delete them immediately”
  • Making it easier to onboard new users to the platform
    • How to extend existing workflows and create new ones
    • If the process is bad enough, then no tool can help you. Bad practices in dev processes get baked into CI processes get baked into CI tools.
    • What is the current state of best-practices in CI?


  • Any surprising insights, even given past 5 years time?
    • Using CI might be the difference between people actually running the tests and it not happening
  • Security restriction in CI tools
    • The workarounds that devs use for running systems and debugging them in CI are not optimal…

Taming Google Scale Continuous Testing

  • Bazel
  • Monorepo
  • Declare dependencies on other modules
  • When going to test module A, collect all “affected” modules of module A, run their tests
  • Commits -> “changelist”

  • “Milestones” optimize when to choose to run which tests
  • Frequently modified source files are more often to be involved in test breakages
    • “You are modifying a file that was modified 41 times in the past. The probability that you will cause a breakage is 75%.”
    • Maybe for these files, you go deeper in dependency graph
    • Does separating them into smaller components reduce the impact of this?
    • Maybe you run these more often.
    • More defect-inducing files should be less likely to put into same milestone
  • What are the unknown unknowns (the causes of the failures?)
  • Impressed by the number of bugs found by downstream test running

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